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Amaravati Randonneurs 200 BRM on 05-Mar-2023



About the Event

200km guntur-gowravarm hyd VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:30 Starting Pointpedal zone guntur Route Map:


Boggavarapu Srinivasa Kiran - 13h 15m

Narasimha Reddy Sadhu - 13h 15m

GK Dammalapati - 13h 15m

Bikash Mishra - 09h 59m

Venkat Kiran Kumar Goriparthi - 09h 06m

Dhilleswara Rao Dara - 09h 06m

Lakshmi Srinivasa Rao - DNS

Dinesh Attal - DNS

Tvk Chaitanya - 10h 10m

Siva Kumar Marthota - 09h 30m