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Cochin Bikers Club 100 BP on 03-Jan-2021



About the Event

Nature Park Boothathankettu 100 Km BRM Populaire VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointCochin Bikers Club Lounge, The Bikestore, Aluva, M Route Map:


Nishanth Thankamani - 05h 18m

Sajie M Jaffy - DNS

Amal Sivichan - 06h 02m

Vivvek V - 06h 27m

Sulfikar S - 06h 06m

Vipin Antony - 05h 08m

Vinod V - 06h 07m

Umesh V - 06h 07m

Pradeep Dhakshinamoorthy - 05h 47m

Darsan S - 05h 09m