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Delhi Randonneurs 400 BRM on 02-Sep-2017



About the Event

Bike Shop NH8 400 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:00 Starting PointThe Bike Shop Route Map: Facebook:

400 will Turn back from Shahpura Toll Plaza


Gautam Verma - 26h 45m

Harpreet Singh Malhotra - 24h 53m

Parampreet Singh Kochar - 23h 03m

Gurpreet Singh - 24h 53m

Vikas Garg - 23h 03m

Navneet Khurana - 26h 34m

Yukti Berry - 26h 34m

Sunil Kumar - 26h 20m

Sharad Elhance - 26h 20m

Anshul Agrawal - 20h 21m