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Indore Randonneurs 100 BP on 10-Nov-2019



About the Event

100BM Decathlon to Sonkach BR Resort to Decathlon VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:00 Starting PointDecathlon Route Map:


Gaurav Jain - 06h 15m

Kavita Rawat - 06h 13m

Deepanjay Sodani - 05h 50m

Giriraj Kothari - 05h 17m

Dinesh Acharya - 05h 17m

Rahul Verma - 06h 15m

Rupesh Gandhi - 05h 02m

Nitin Singh Bhati - 05h 22m

Sandeep Khandelwal - 06h 13m

Pankaj Jaiswal - 05h 30m