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Nagpur Randonneurs 400 BRM on 19-Mar-2017



About the Event

Telangana touch and go VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 05:00 Starting PointZero Mile Route Map: Additional Information: Facebook:

Zero Mile - Jamb - Chandrapur bypass - Ballarpur - Rajura - Maharashtra-Telangana border - U-turn and return.


Jagadeesh Babu D - 26h 25m

Anirudh Ncyclopedia - DNS

Vikas Patra - 26h 23m

Manisegaran Manivasagan - 26h 45m

Shubham Das - 26h 23m

Devanand Meshram - 26h 40m

Parashar Kumar - DNF

Kartik Borikar - 26h 47m

Sanjay Murthy - DNF

Mosim Ansari - DNF