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Pondy Pedalers 300 BRM on 19-Oct-2019



About the Event

Fort Vellore 300 VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 16:00 Starting PointAurovelo Bicycle Stores Route Map: Additional Information: Facebook:

Ride starts from Aurovelo Bicycle stores, Pondy and goes onto Tindivandam, Gingee, Chetpet, Arani and Vellore. Return is same as onward by going around the Vellore fort complex.


Nandan Reddy - 16h 27m

Dakshina Murthy - 17h 57m

Varadhadesigan Irissappan - 18h 05m

Shunmuganathan Athi - 12h 25m

Gurusamy Murugaiyan - 16h 27m

Srikarthik Sekhar Manivasagam - DNS

Madhankumar Iyyamperumal - 12h 40m

Selvakumar Venkatesan - 17h 20m

Prabhakar Manoharan - DNS

Gopalakrishnan Perumal - 15h 05m