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Secunderabad Randonneurs 200 BRM on 08-Sep-2019



About the Event

Bhongir-Gajwel VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 06:15 Starting PointTrack and Trial Cycling Store - Sainikpuri Route Map:


Johannes Van Helsdingen - 10h 30m

Durga Prasad Ravella - LF

Prasad Vallabhajosyula - DNS

Preetham Kumar Mutyala - DNS

Jacqueline Babitha Xavier - LF

Sandeep Alagonda - 10h 50m

Shail Bains - 09h 40m

Sunil Kumar Yellanki - 12h 27m

Nilesh Yadav - DNS

Vinay Payyapilly - 12h 00m