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Secunderabad Randonneurs 400 BRM on 20-Mar-2021



About the Event

400 - Somasila - PBEL VIEW ROUTE Start Time: 19:10 Starting PointPBEL City Route Map:


Durga Prasad Ravella - 26h 25m

Murthy Pattisapu - 26h 01m

Srinivas Gv Reddy - 23h 22m

Raghavendra Rasamsetty - 26h 07m

Sathya Narayana - 26h 46m

Dhaval Philip Mathew - 23h 38m

Adalat Ali - 26h 03m

KVB Reddy - 26h 07m

Naresh Raju Kunaparaju - 26h 07m

Bhavani Suryanarayanan - 26h 03m